A dynamic addition near The Monument

Transforming Faryners House to provide high quality, future-proofed office space and revitalised public realm in a unique City location.

Faryners House is an outdated office building that contributes little to the surrounding area. The building’s owners are proposing to redevelop the site to deliver modern, sustainable office space with high quality terraces, shared amenities at ground floor and a cultural offering.
The Site is located at the intersection of Monument Street, Botolph Lane and Pudding Lane near the Grade I Listed Monument and adjacent to the source of the Great Fire of London. Our proposals for Faryners House will deliver a new building which celebrates the unique history of the area. This includes an exciting opportunity to provide a new visitor centre for The Monument.

This public consultation website outlines our draft proposals for Faryners House and provides you with the opportunity to submit your feedback and ask any questions you may have. You can find out more on how to get involved further down this page.

Our Proposals

Delivering new sustainable, modern office space

Opportunity to supply a new visitor centre for The Monument

Providing an improved, vibrant and permeable public realm

Sensitive design which celebrates the site’s unique heritage

Creating an all-electric building with exemplary sustainability credentials

Exemplary architecture with focus on people, encouraging wellbeing through considered design

Have your say

This public consultation website outlines our proposals for Faryners House and provides you with the opportunity to submit your feedback and ask any questions you may have.

In person event 01

Day: Monday 22nd January

Time: 3pm-7pm

Location: Faryners House,
25 Monument St, London, EC3R 8BQ

In person event 02

Day: Thursday 25th January

Time: 11am-3pm

Location: Faryners House,
25 Monument St, London, EC3R 8BQ
Online Survey

Fill in our survey to provide your feedback.